Contino® Clinical Study: New Site in White Rock/South Surrey, British Columbia to Accompany existing Toronto and Oakville, Ontario locations
If you, a friend or loved one is experiencing bladder leakage please consider participating in our clinical trial.
Contino® is a self-administered licensed medical device that helps manage bladder leakage in men. The device has been licensed by Health Canada after the completion of a five-year, multi-site Canadian clinical trial. We are now enrolling male volunteers with stress urinary incontinence (leaking urine with activity, or coughing/ sneezing) to participate in a post-market clinical follow-up study for the device.
If eligible to participate, you will be seen by a Urologist and will receive study-related materials and medical devices at no cost. Once enrolled, you may be eligible for reimbursement for parking and travel expenses.
There will be six visits to the study doctor’s office over the course of one year in the White Rock/South Surrey area of British Columbia, Canada.
Should you reside in the Greater Toronto Area we encourage you to participate in one of the two active GTA based test sites. Inclusion/exclusion criteria and contact information is the same for each location.
Inclusion Criteria
•Male 18 years of age or older
•Evidence of sphincteric incompetence as assessed by the Investigator
•Evidence of moderate to severe urinary incontinence as assessed by the Investigator, typically 2 or more protective garments or pads per day
Exclusion Criteria
•No Urge Incontinence
•No Bleeding disorders
Will Contino® work for you?
•You have stress Urinary Incontinence (Indication for Use)
•You are impacted by Urinary Incontinence and are motivated to actively participate in obtaining a solution
•You are at least 60 days post medical treatment (related to the Prostate)
•You have the mental and physical capacity to use Contino® as determined by the Investigator
To see if you are an eligible candidate book an appointment using link below.
Phone Toll Free: 1-833-543-3311