Contino® Connections: Returning to Normal, May 2022 Archive
May 13, 2022
Spring is well underway, and most are getting back to normal, visiting with friends & family, enjoying simple things like a movie in the theater or a visit to a favorite restaurant and in many cases returning to the workplace. We are pleased to support the return to the new normal and those who want to free themselves from urinary incontinence and get back to doing the things they enjoy. This month we are pleased to highlight a few of these return to normal activities:
- Recruiting patients for new clinical site in White Rock/South Surrey, BC;
- Featuring a our commercial: “Free yourself from Urinary Incontinence!”; and
- Contino® and the BC Physiotherapy Association annual conference.
We hope you enjoy our highlights this month and stay connected with our current developments on your favourite social media platform. In addition, check out our YouTube channel and become a subscriber and share our story. Each is share or subscriber is appreciated!
Kind Regards,
The Contino® Team
Clinical Site: White Rock/South Surrey
We are delighted to announce Dr. Peter Skepasts, a well-established urologist in White Rock/South Surrey is now recruiting patients for our Post Market Clinical Follow-up study. Supporting the clinical study is White Rock based Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Sam Hughes, who is a Contino® Authorised Trainer and is partnering with Dr. Skepast to screen, onboard and manage successful candidates through the trial. We are thrilled to establish a clinical site in BC, in addition to our two clinical sites in GTA, Ontario.
Eligible participants will be seen by Dr. Skepasts and Ms. Hughes and will receive study-related materials and the Contino® medical device and at no cost. If you are interested or know someone who maybe interested in learning more about the study, please contact a Contino® Nurse by phone 604 653 0360 or by email: As well, visit our blog post from the link below for more information and a summary of the eligibility criteria to quality to participate.
Eligibility Criteria for Clinical Study
New Commercial
“Free Yourself from Urinary Incontinence”
We are excited to announce the work with Dennis Quad and Viewpoint is now completed with the creation our of corporate documentary and some additional videos. Below is our first commercial: “Free yourself from urinary incontinence” To view on our YouTube channel simply click the image below:
As Contino® is a new product/service offering building awareness is critical and this commercial will help us build that awareness through several different media platforms. We are very please with this 30 second video, and the 60 second commercial and 5-minute corporate document, both of which we will be sharing over the coming weeks.
As a special thank you, we want to recognize the contributions by Maureen McGrath, Nurse Continence Advisor and host of Global News’ Sunday Night Health Show and Contino® user Dr. Don Marshall for his courage in speaking about his experience for the benefit of other men like him. Thank you both for your significant contributions they are greatly appreciated.
Connecting at the BC Physiotherapy Conference
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists are key contributors to male pelvic health and so it was a happy milestone to attend the BC Physiotherapy Association annual conference in person for the first external event since the beginning of the pandemic in early 2020.

We had at chance to connect with several Physiotherapists from across the province, who were eager and excited to learn more about Contino® and how they might bring this innovative product/service offering to their patients. It was a very successful event and soon we will be announcing additional clinic locations in British Columbia to bring a Contino® trainer closer to you!
Next month we are attending the Canadian Urology Association annual conference, which is the first in person conference since the pandemic began. We look forward to connecting with our clinical and partner urologists from across Canada and sharing the Contino® story.
Thank you for reading and please check out our YouTube channel and become a subscriber and share our story. Each is share or subscriber is appreciated!