How Sten Stopped a Leaky Bladder Without Surgery

Sten attends his niece’s wedding and is back to golfing with his friends thanks to Contino®
Sten is a 70-year-old Vancouver, BC resident diagnosed with bladder and prostate cancer. After receiving surgery for cancer treatment, Sten was left with stress urinary incontinence (SUI).
Discovering Contino®
Sten lived an active and healthy life until his cancer diagnosis in 2016. What should have been a simple operation left him with many side effects. He could not empty all urine from his bladder, had residual fluid after urinating, and experienced several urinary tract infections. While these symptoms thankfully resolved, his stress urinary incontinence (SUI) remained. Sten needed four adult diapers to manage the incontinence, and his quality of life quickly declined. He could no longer enjoy physical or social activities that he previously loved, such as golfing. Most of all, his sleep hygiene deteriorated from the number of times he had to get up during the night. All of this had an enormous impact on his overall mood and hopelessness.
“I would get up almost hourly for a while. My sleep for about two years was hourly – an hour or an hour and a half at a time. I was always tired. The smell… It’s just an awful feeling. You don’t feel good about yourself.”
Due to the radiation he received for cancer treatments, Sten was not eligible for surgery to treat his SUI. After months of frustration with the available options, he was referred to a Contino® specialist. It took a few trials to find a Contino® sizing gauge that worked best for Sten, but he persevered. With no objections from his urologist, he began regularly using Contino® at size 28.
Life After Contino®
Sten no longer experiences any urine leakage. Amazingly, he also shares that he has no pain or discomfort with Contino® and that his sleep and quality of life has improved drastically. Sten and his wife had previously slept in different beds due to his sleep cycles, but they are now back to sharing a bed. He now drives and golfs regularly and only wears a small pad as a safeguard. Most of all, Sten was able to attend his niece’s wedding, which required a lengthy car journey – something that never seemed like an option before Contino® .
“It’s worth it….there’s no pain, no discomfort, and I’m wearing underpants again. Regular briefs or shorts or whatever.”
Hear more on how Contino® impacted Sten and his life after a stress urinary incontinence diagnosis
“The convenience and how I feel about myself and what I’m able to do is more than worth it. It has changed my life and what I’m able to do again.”
If you enjoyed Sten’s story, please visit and or visit our YouTube page here.
Are You Looking to Stop Bladder Leakage?
Book a free telephone consultation with one of our nurses to see if the Contino® device is a good fit for you.
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